Aescin, Aescin sodium polysulphate, Diethylamine salicylate


Aescin, Aescin sodium polysulphate, Diethylamine salicylate is used for: AESCIN
High-quality evidence suggests aescin is a safe and effective treatment for chronic venous insufficiency. In one randomized controlled trial, horse chestnut extract was found to be as effective and well-tolerated as use of compression stockings. diethylamine salicylate
Rheumatism. Fibrositis. Nerve pain that travels from the back into the buttock and back of leg (sciatica). backache. Sprains, strains and bruises.

Adult Dose

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications




Adverse Effects

Side effects of Aescin, Aescin sodium polysulphate, Diethylamine salicylate :

Mechanism of Action

Aescin appears to produce effects through a wide range of mechanisms. It induces endothelial nitric oxide synthesis by making endothelial cells more permeable to calcium ions, and also induces release of prostaglandin f2. Other possible mechanisms include serotonin antagonism and histamine antagonism and reduced catabolism of tissue mucopolysaccharides DIETHYLAMINE SALICYLATE
Aiethylamine salicylate has anti-inflammatory and painkilling actions. It is a counter-irritant, which when applied to the skin causes redness and produces a sensation of heat. This heat sensation distracts the brain from the original pain and therefore reduces your perception of the pain. The active ingredient also has an anti-inflammatory effect.