Nitrofurazone 0.2% Topical


Nitrofurazone 0.2% Topical is used for: Burns, Wounds, Skin infections, Skin grafting, Ulcers

Adult Dose

Topical/Cutaneous Wounds, burns, ulcers and skin infections; Preparation of surfaces before skin grafting Adult: Apply directly to the lesion, or place on gauze that will cover the lesion, once daily or every few days, depending on the usual dressing technique of the affected area.

Child Dose

Safety and efficacy have not been established.

Renal Dose


Apply directly on the lesion with a spatula or first place on a piece of gauze. Use of a bandage is optional. The preparation should remain on the lesion for at least 24 hours. The dressing may be changed several times daily or left on the lesion for a longer period.

Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity. Cross-sensitation may occur with other nitrofuran derivatives.


The use of nitrofurazone occasionally allows overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms including fungi and Pseudomonas. If this occurs, or if irritation, sensitization, or superinfection develops, treatment should be discontinued.



Reduced excretion with probenecid or sulfinpyrazone. Absorption reduced by magnesium trisilicate. Antagonistic effects with quinolone antibacterials. Reduced effects with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors or urinary alkalinisers.

Adverse Effects

Side effects of Nitrofurazone 0.2% Topical : Sensitisation, generalised allergic skin reactions. Contact dermatitis.

Mechanism of Action

Bactericidal against a wide spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. It also has activity against trypanosomes.