Potassium Chloride + Rice powder + Sodium Chloride + Trisodium Citrate (Rice ORS)


Potassium Chloride + Rice powder + Sodium Chloride + Trisodium Citrate (Rice ORS) is used for: Dehydration, Acute diarrhoea, Cholera, Vomiting, Acute fluid and electrolyte loss

Adult Dose

Oral Adult 200 ml to 500 ml for each loose motion

Child Dose

Oral Child 6 month to 23 months: 50 ml to 100 ml for each loose motion 2 years to 9 years: 100 ml to 200 ml for each loose motion 10 years or more: 200 ml to 500 ml for each loose motion

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Kidney failure resulting in diminished production of urine (oliguria) Kidney failure, preventing production of urine (anuria) Obstruction of the stomach or intestines Reduced blood flow to vital internal organs (shock) Severe and continuous vomiting (intractable vomiting) Severe dehydration Severe diarrhoea in infants


Precautions should be taken in case of significant overdose, especially for the following patients - Children less than 1 year of age Patients with imbalance of salt concentrations in the blood (electrolyte imbalance) Patients with severely decreased kidney and liver function



Adverse Effects

Side effects of Potassium Chloride + Rice powder + Sodium Chloride + Trisodium Citrate (Rice ORS) : Some studies have reported a slightly increased risk of hyponatraemia (low plasma sodium concentration) in patients who have received this ORS. However this decrease, which was very limited, was not associated with any clinical signs.

Mechanism of Action

Potassium chloride is a major cation of the intracellular fluid. It plays an active role in the conduction of nerve impulses in the heart, brain and skeletal muscle; contraction of cardiac skeletal and smooth muscles; maintenance of normal renal function, acid-base balance, carbohydrate metabolism and gastric secretion. Sodium chloride is the major extracellular cation. It is important in electrolyte and fluid balance, osmotic pressure control and water distribution as it restores sodium ions. It is used as a source of electrolytes and water for hydration, treatment of metabolic acidosis, priming solution in haemodialysis and treatment of hyperosmolar diabetes. It is also used as diluents for infusion of compatible drug additives. Trisodium Citrate to active bicarbonate.