Vaccine - Yellow fever (attenuated virus, 17 D strain cultured on chic embryos)


Vaccine - Yellow fever (attenuated virus, 17 D strain cultured on chic embryos) is used for: Yellow Fever Vaccine
Yellow Fever Vaccine is indicated for active immunization for the prevention of yellow fever in persons 9 months of age and older in the following categories: 1. Persons Living in or Traveling to Endemic Areas: While the actual risk for contracting yellow fever during travel is probably low, variability of itineraries, behaviors and seasonal incidence of disease make it difficult to predict the actual risk for a given individual living in or traveling to a known endemic or epidemic area. Greater risk is associated with living in or traveling to areas of South America and Africa where yellow fever infection is officially reported at the time of travel and with traveling outside the urban areas of countries that do not officially report the disease but that lie in a yellow fever endemic zone. 2. Persons Travelling Internationally Through Countries with Yellow Fever: Some countries require an individual to have a valid International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) if the individual has been in countries either known or thought to harbor yellow fever virus. The certificate becomes valid 10 days after vaccination with Yellow Fever Vaccine. 3. Laboratory Personnel: Laboratory personnel who handle virulent yellow fever virus or concentrated preparations of the yellow fever vaccine virus strains may be at risk of exposure by direct or indirect contact or by aerosols.

Adult Dose

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications




Adverse Effects

Side effects of Vaccine - Yellow fever (attenuated virus, 17 D strain cultured on chic embryos) :

Mechanism of Action

Yellow Fever Vaccine
Yellow Fever Vaccine is composed of two live, attenuated strains of yellow fever virus, 17D-204 and 17DD, which have been shown to elicit an immune response identical to that induced by wild-type infection [FDA Label]. Vaccination with Yellow Fever vaccine is considered to be the most important and effective measure to protect against Yellow Fever, with protective immunity developing within 10 days after vaccination; in two separate clinical trials of Yellow Fever Vaccine, 90% of subjects seroconverted within 10 days after vaccination, and 100% of subjects seroconverted within 14 days [FDA Label].